Student’s status

The student’s status shall be interrupted if the student declares that he/she doesn’t intend to fulfil student obligations during the next semester, or fails to register for the next semester (by indicating that he/she will be “passive” in the given semester). The total combined duration of the period over which students may interrupt their studies may not exceed two semesters. Students may suspend their status several times, under the specifications stipulated in the course and examination regulation.

Provisions for Doctoral Students from a foreign university

Reception of Doctoral Students from another university applying to the Doctoral School of the University for partial studies shall be decided on by the Doctoral Council which may delegate this authority to the head of the Doctoral School.

At the end of the training, the head of the Doctoral School shall issue a certificate him/her about the completed study units, their credit values, and the grades received for them.  Issuing the certificate in English and Hungarian is for the first time gratis.


The Rector is entitled to conclude a framework agreement with a foreign university to provide a cotutelle doctoral program for particular students. The Doctoral Council has the right to make a proposal to the Rector to conclude such an agreement.

The agreement shall be concluded only if the doctoral degree obtained on its basis meets the requirements laid down in the Regulations.

The agreement shall provide for the rules of pursuing studies, the duration and scheduling of studies conducted in both training institutions, the rules of enrollment and funding, the options for the interruption of studies, special rules of the Doctoral Procedure, the language of the doctoral thesis and abstracts, as well as the rules pertaining to issuing the diploma certifying the doctoral degree.

The doctoral degree and its conferment

The Doctoral Diploma shall display the name of the Jewish Theological Seminary-University of Jewish Studies; it shall bear the stamp of the Doctoral School of Jewish Religious Studies, the holder’s name, the place and date of birth of its holder, the field of study and specialization. The diploma and the inset shall be issued in Hungarian and on request in English, German, Latin or Hebrew by the Doctoral School Office.

The University may charge an extra fee for issuing the diploma in German, Latin or Hebrew or for secondary copies.

If requested by the student, the university may issue a certified copy of the original diploma with the date of awarding it within two months after earning the doctoral degree while the original diploma shall be passed on at the ceremonial Senate meeting at the end of the academic year.

The award ceremony shall be held once a year at the public ceremonial meeting of the Senate.

Those who earned the academic title (PhD degree) at the Doctoral School shall be entitled to write “PhD” or the abbreviation “Dr” in front of their names.